Cabs From Mysore To Coorg: How much is a cab from Mysore to Coorg?
Cab from Mysore to Coorg is not a short journey. In fact, it can take up to 6 hours from one city to another depending on the traffic. This makes cab booking an important step if you are planning to visit these places. Thankfully, we have done the hard work for you and found the best cab services between Mysore and Coorg. So, without further ado, read on to know more about the cabs from mysore to coorg.
When you’re looking for a cab from Mysore to Coorg, you may be wondering how much it will cost. And while there is no definitive answer, we can give you an estimate based on data from various sources. According to the website cab aggregator Ola, a cab ride from Mysore to Coorg will cost between ₹4,500 and ₹6,500. However, this price range does not account for traffic or time amendments, so it’s always best to check with a cab driver to get an accurate quote.
How much is a cab fare from Mysore to Coorg?
A cab fare from Mysore to Coorg ranges from Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 6,500 depending on the time of day and distance travelled. The minimum fare for a cab from Mysore to Bangalore is Rs. 1,000 and for a cab from Bangalore to Coorg it is Rs. 3,000.
Mysore Cab Service: Recommended By Us
When it comes to travelling from Mysore to Coorg, there are a few cab services that have been recommended by us. The first cab service is called Surya Cabs and they charge Rs. 2100 for a cab from Mysore to Coorg. Another cab service that we would recommend is called Mycab and they charge Rs. 2500 for a mysore to coorg taxi services.
There are a few things to keep in mind when travelling from Mysore to Coorg. Check out mysore coorg tour package here!
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Are you looking for cabs from Mysore to Coorg? Well, here is a list of the cab services that can get you there. The approximate cost will vary depending on the time of day and the route chosen.
There are two main ways to get from Mysore to Coorg. You can either take a bus or a taxi. The bus journey will take around nine hours and costs Rs. 600 per person. The taxi journey will take around five hours and costs Rs. 3,000 per person.